There is a vast world of work out there in this country, where at least 111 million people are employed in this country alone - many of whom are bored out of their minds. All day long.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Palin talks to Couric -- and if she's lucky, few are listening

If the reality of coming into Airlite everyday wasn't enough to make you vomit a little in your mouth... The possibility of this woman being in charge should...


I say we nominate a different Palin... Michael Palin... I know he's British and all, but since McCain isn't actually a citizen either (born in Panama and here's the article: I think he might have a chance...


Tyler Mayberry said...

McCain has noted in several interviews that he considers himself a gambling man. Now, I've never really had a problem with other people gambling, but when you take a roll of the dice with our entire nation at stake, you're a very dangerous person to have in charge. More dangerous, perhaps, than the worst president in American history: George W. Bush. Is this the type of change that McCain is offering from the current administration? More bravado and unneccessary risk taking? No thanks.

Lucky for us, I believe Mr. McCain has finally rolled craps with his VP pick. In every game of chance there are times when you are hot, and times when you are cold. McCain had a decent hot streak upon first announcing Gov. Palin, but when you already have all your chips down on the table you're never more than one fateful roll away from losing everything.

Not only does John McCain not have the self control to know how big of a gamble is too big, but he really doesn't know when it is appropriate to simply walk away from the table and accept a small loss. Instead, he will try to take even more risk with borrowed money so he can reclaim his lost political fortune. A wise gambler would not do this on a cold streak...

So, as a desperate campaign measure, he suspends his campaign because there is an issue on the table that is too important not to devote his full attention to. Well, I got news for you Senator: Every decision you make as president will be VERY important, and if you cannot juggle several important issues at once, how could you run our country anywhere other than further into a depression?

And to pluck at the heart strings of the last bastion of rednecks who still think McCain/Palin is a viable candidacacy, what do you think McCain will do if we are struck by another terrorist attack? Suspend the country until we decide which group of arabs to bomb? Please use your brains this election season and don't fall prey to the same old Karl Rove fear mongering tactics.

fstclss said...


I totally agree with Tyler on McPalin. But the only way to make change is to actually go out an vote on November 4th. Shrieking on the Internets may make you feel better, but a vote might really help. If you need a ride that Tuesday, let me know...I have a truck.

Always be smarter than the people who hire you.