There is a vast world of work out there in this country, where at least 111 million people are employed in this country alone - many of whom are bored out of their minds. All day long.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


The Original Maverick...?

-I don't think so...

1 comment:

Tyler Mayberry said...

Let's examine the word Maverick for a second. The term originates from Open Range cattle farming. Sometimes a cow would give birth out on the range, and as the grazing season ended, the cattle were all rustled back up to their respective ranches. The calves born out on the open range, however, were not branded, thus making it difficult to claim unless it followed its mother back to the range. After all of their cattle would return home, the ranch owners that shared a particular range would wrangle up all of the "mavericks" and divvy them up between themselves.

So, what McCain is really saying is that he is half wild, he has failed to understand the basic instincts of survival passed on by his mother, and that his interests have been wrangled up and divvied out to the highest bidders?

Next time McCain or Palin refers to themselves as a Maverick, just picture them saying, "I am just a lost calf, who was not smart enough, even by livestock means, to follow my mother home... with lipstick!"

Always be smarter than the people who hire you.